Seasoned Travellers
Migratory birds that visit our shores
Shorebird Statistics
22 Species of migratory shorebirds (waders) visit the estuary
each year.
Weight: 30g (Red-necked Stint) -1.25 kg
(Eastern Curlew)
Lifespan: up to 18 years
Distance flown: up to 24 000 km per year
Breeding grounds: Northern Asia, Alaska
Stop-over sites: East Asia
Protection: International treaties (JAMBA
Japan-Australia and CAMBA China-Australia
Migratory Bird Agreements, RAMSAR Convention)
Endless Summer!
A Sandpiper's diary reads like a holiday brochure! They
spend the summer on lakes and beaches in Western Australia,
then fly north to catch the summer in their northern hemisphere
breeding grounds.